Cylon Release 0.5.0
Cylon 0.5.0 is a major release. We are excited to present GCylon, cudf-based distributed DataFrame for Nvidia GPUs, UCX integration, Anaconda support, and much more.
Cylon C++ and Python- Adding UCX integration with MPI
- Adding read distribution
- Changing join column naming convention to match SQL and pandas
- Adding
- Add iloc operation to DataFrame
- Adding null handling to table operators and Comparators
- Adding Equal/ distributed equal operators
- Adding array flattening
- Adding Repartition
- Adding mapreduce style group-by aggregators
- Adding table level AllGather, Gather and Broadcast operators
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
Build- Updating to Arrow 0.5.x
- Windows build support
- MacOS build support
- Conda build is the default build
- Improving docker build
GcylonFirst release of Gcylon which supports distributed DataFrame processing on Nvidia GPUs using CuDF:
- Implemented shuffling and distributed sorting
- Distributed Join/merge
- Distributed GroupBy
- DataFrame Set operations
- Repartitioning DataFrames
- Distributed IO for reading/writing CSV, JSON and Parquet files
You can download source code from Github Conda binaries are available in Anaconda
Commits3344bf95 Mapreduce style group-by aggregators (#535) 50ef890b Remove minor warnings (#544) 559e8eb3 Adding CPU serializer (#539) abb44049 fixed unused variable/parameter and casting warnings (#542) 62a3f080 Distributed IO (#533) 15d06d6c Bump color-string from 1.5.4 to 1.7.4 in /docs (#534) 810c4ed7 fixing RNG issue (#538) fbb049bb fixing build error (#536) a10e0528 Bump algoliasearch-helper from 3.3.3 to 3.6.2 in /docs (#532) 112ea97f Repartition - CPU (#526) 79c4b739 create a MacOS yml file (#530) b9e7a8c4 Repartition - GPU (#528) 2191b9f5 fixed function name change in cudf api from gcylon test files (#529) 3e9036ee Upgrading to arrow 5.0.0 (#525) 24d182ab Groupby values null handling (#527) 54a5074b Null handling for Comparators (#524) 0b9516e7 Adding array flattening (#522) b3fc2a2a Implemented MergeOrSort when merging sorted tables (#523) 1e061b2f Feature/equal (#499) e378d1dc reformatted gcylon codes with tab size 2, non-functional changes (#521) 8450d9b1 Added support for sliced tables in gather, broadcast and sorting (#520) 92b8124c Update windows.yml 1f9790d7 Update macos.yml d33f9ac8 Update conda-actions.yml 963d4914 Update c-cpp.yml 2229981d added mpi datatype dispatching for primitive data types (#519) d9936b4d Head tail operators (#512) ac99d009 Formatting code (#518) fff84ccb Code formatting (#517) f32f04da Null handling in splitters and build arrays (#511) 4cab7ca4 Delete files from CPP example folder that are not needed (#516) d1744302 moving tutorial repo to (#514) 9cd7911f Python example cleanup (#513) fe4caf37 Distributed sorting (#510) 2302f58f Minor improvements to the Table API (#508) 71eb80a1 adding new test utils (#507) 24b83dd3 Adding to docker docs (#498) 6f2faf8f Update 4f8f3c7f Gcylon docs (#501) a7862580 Adding contributing guide to documentation (#496) 8ab8b2d6 changing join column naming convention to match SQL and pandas (#487) f18b91fe improvements to ucx build from conda (#484) 912fb543 Windows build (#482) 216758a2 making improvements to the build (#483) 4e2894eb Add functions to dataframe (#481) 1f1ddd9c Documentation update (#479) e6233151 Bump tar from 6.1.5 to 6.1.11 in /docs (#477) 1e5db7b6 improve docs (#476) 58c0595d removing extra examples (#474) 3c823f6f Gcylon integration (#470) 92748eb5 Cpp example cleanup (#475) fa14527d Docs improvements (#469) 13062206 Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.3 in /docs (#473) 8234ae7b Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 in /docs (#472) c8b435b6 Bump tar from 6.0.5 to 6.1.5 in /docs (#471) 1cc28dd3 Performance improvements (#453) 9092bbf0 MacOS build (#464) d59d91ea Add iloc operation to DataFrame (#465) 8d7a8dc7 Removed glog files from the header files (#463) ea62eef0 License updates (#462) 2f562650 changed all relative Cylon header references to global (#461) 123c93c3 Building in conda env without using conda-build (#457) 3b3a2853 Compilation document improvements (#454) 8578b1f1 Adding barrier at the end of the test case (#458) e6eded5f Fix for empty df (#455) 8f149924 Fixed mpi test case (#456) cb069980 Changes to the Docs (#451) 4ce1d7eb updates to the docker readme e011e0f6 enhancing readme adfa6c05 adding read distribution (#432) bd2e024d UCX integration (#439) a42d04ad Bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 in /docs (#437) 710b562e Bump dns-packet from 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 in /docs (#435) 07aee740 adding new operators to DataFrame API (#429) 71e57f84 Updating to arrow 4.0 (#418) a490dc21 changing ctx to const reference in methods (#419) 18a5447b missing docs (#428) 38534f55 0.4.1 release (#427) 10f5a6a3 Enabling scalars in df set_item (#425) 0be78972 Op bench refactor (#417) ec964d89 Bug fixes in dataframe (#420) e0ba9643 Update c-cpp.yml 0200c021 adding finalize check and removing destructor finalize call. (#412) 149919c2 Update 016c5c92 adding missing test case 56095357 Update e3ca0bf5 0.4.0 release (#411)
ContributorsAhmet Uyar Chathura Widanage Damitha Sandeepa Lenadora dependabot[bot] Hasara Maithree Kaiying Shan niranda perera Supun Kamburugamuve Vibhatha Lakmal Abeykoon Ziyao22
LicenseLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: